ad infinitum- to infinity, without limit
no one can say all the numbers of pie because it's ad infinitum.
apportion- to distribute in proportions
The cake was given in apportions to the kids.
bona fide- made, done, presented etc.
it's a bona fide trend.
buoyant- able to float in liquid
all boats are buoyant in water
clique- a group of people with there own styles
righetti high school has alot of cliques around the school
concede- to acknowledge as true
every president must concede to americas financial problem
congenial- agreeable
darwins theory of evolution is still not congenial to some people
lofty- exceed high in the air
plains cruise at a lofty altitude on a general basis
migration- the act of migrating
birds start there great migration south every year before winter
percieve- to recognize
there is more water than the ocean than your brain can percieve
preverse- determined
i am preverse to find some food in my house
prelude- to go foward in act of action
there is a prelude for the books series
rancid- to have unplesent smell or taste
the smell of the rancid throw up makes me want puke
sever- to cut off feom a whole
the mans leg is severed do to the infection
sordid- dirty, filthy
my dogs are sordid. they are going to need a bath soon
untenable- incapable of defending
most children are untenable
versatile- to have more than one use
something versatile is of much more use to a person
vindicate- justify by arguement
i hate when my sister vindicates my idea to try to get my parents to say no
wane- a gradual decrease in strength or decay
bodies that are burried take sometime to wane down to bones
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