Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Review Vocab List

propensity- likelyness

repose- to be in a state of rest

Stripling- a young man

Sequester- to isolate or set apart

Purport- intend

Imbibed- to drink in

Apparition- a visual of a ghost

incessant- continuous

Cognomen- name

reverie- to bein a trance like state

gambol- to play

spectre- a visible ghost

hessian- a german mercinary during the civil war

ad infinitum- to infinity, without limit

apportion- to distribute in proportion

bona fide- made, done, presented etc.

buoyant- able to float in liquid

clique- a group of people with there own styles

concede- to acknowledge as true

congenial- agreeable

lofty- exceed high in the air

migration- the act of migration

decadence- the act or process of falling into an inferior condition or state

expostulate- to reason earnestly with someone against something that person intends to do or has done

simulate- to create a likeness or model

jaded- dulled or satiated by overindulgence

umbrage- to feel offence or annoyance

prerogative- an exclusive right, privilege

lurid- gruesome, horrible or revolting

transcend- to rise above or go beyond

provincial- belonging or peculiar to some particular province

petulant- moved to or showing sudden, impatient irritation, especially over some trifling annoyance

unctuous- characterized by excessive piousness or moralistic fervor, especially in an affected manner

meritorious- deserving reward, self esteem

Pedagogue- a school teacher

Cavernous- being, resembling, or suggesting to a cavern

Coquettish- refers mostly to a flirty woman

Tête-à-tête- a private conversation or interview

Suffice- to be enough

Amorous- inclined or disposed to love

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