Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Active reading notes chapter 7

- Gatsby fires all of his servants because they gossip to much
-Gatsby ends his party early and nick is confused
- when Tom sees that Gatsby is at his house, he hides his dislike for him
- Tom sees the flirting that is going on between Gatsby and daisy
-tom is getting frustrated and is getting snappy because his insecurity is taking over
- when going to town, Tom wants to take Gatsbys car and wants Gatsby to drive his but when Gatsby trys to get out of that deal tom begins making fun of gatsbys car
-daisy doesn't want to ride with tom and touches Gatsby coat on the way to her car tom gets mad and confronts nick and Jordan
-tom is paranoid of Gatsby
- tom begins questioning Gatsby past to try to make him look bad inf front of daisy
-as tom goes on Gatsby finally has enough and tells tom that his wife doesn't love him. He said daisy loved him and the only reason they didn't get married was because he was poor then and she didn't want to wait

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